ANG 3862 scaled


Villa Giusso Astapiana

Carmen and Giorgio

The religious ceremony of this wedding took place in the cathedral of Castellammare di Stabia, enriched with floral arrangements of chamomile. The mass booklets with the cover of the cathedral, translated into 3 languages, the fans with the initials of the couple and the cones of fresh leaves for the launch of the rice made this moment perfect.

Waiting for the newlyweds, a fantastic vintage car that brought them to the location: a wonderful historic farmhouse from the 1600s.

The contact with nature and the breathtaking view were the setting for the wedding, where three naked imperial tables under a citrus pergola, with floral compositions of chamomile, bring us back to memories of when as children the daisies were collected in the meadows.

A place marker linked to the Neapolitan tradition, a jute bag with coffee beans from an ancient Campania roasting company embellished the mise en place.

The menu, divided into tasting areas, has been rigorously translated into 2 languages.

Another important element, which binds with the mood of tradition is the cutlery rest, which was nothing more than a mocha rest with the initials of the couple.

The Amalfitano Corner was also in perfect harmony with the theme, consisting of fresh sugared almonds with aromas of fruit and traditional liqueurs to be savoured with chocolate shots.

Many streamers while cutting the cake made this wedding even more romantic and unique.

The wedding favor is the final gem that amazed all guests: a wonderful ceramic Neapolitan coffee maker: La Cuccuma,  handmade by an artisan company, strictly made in Italy.

The experience told by the Bride and the Groom

Aura was a winning choice for the realisation of our wedding. It allowed us to arrive at our most beautiful day with total relaxation and without any other thought. She was able to interact with all the suppliers chosen in every respect. She made sure that day remained forever in our hearts. Professionalism, organisation, passion for her work and a lot of good taste. I can only recommend her!